Employment Opportunities



There are currently no open positions.

Interested and qualified applicants need to send a resume and cover letter to Dr. Mylo Miller Superintendent at mylom@southbarber.com and apply by completing This Application, or you can complete an application in person at 512 Main Street Kiowa, KS 67070.  

South Barber USD 255 is seeking a Certified 7-12 grades Agriculture Teaching Position for the 2024-2025 academic year including FFA sponsor. Interested and qualified applicants need to send their cover letter, resume, and completed certified application to Superintendent Dr. Mylo Miller at mylom@southbarber.com and to Principal Steven Neal at stevenn@southbarber.com. Certified teaching applications can be found at southbarber.com Central Office tab employment opportunities and/or picked up at the South Barber Central Office at 512 Main Street Kiowa, KS 67070.   

Thank you! 

South Barber USD 255 Kiowa, KS 


Coaching/Extra Duty

We are currently seeking a new Elementary School Secretary for the 2025-2026 school year. If you're interested in this position, please apply online at the classified link application below or submit your application in person at 512 Main Street, Kiowa, KS 67070.

Night custodian hours 3:45 Pm - 11:45 PM. Interested applicants can apply at the classified link application below or in person at 512 Main Street Kiowa, KS 67070. 

South Barber USD 255 has Para-Educator positions open at both sites. Interested and qualified applicants need to contact the South Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative and complete the application. View the flyer here. here: https://www.scksec.com/employment

Classified Application

Please email Principal Steven Neal at stevenn@southbarber.com or call 833-722-7237 if interested.